Thursday, July 9, 2009

Mom! I'm being blackmailed again!

You may recall John Ensign, the GOP senator from Nevada who had the good sense to make his affair public just days before Mark Sanford hiked the Appalachian Trail (thereby knocking Ensign off the front page).

Let's find a nice picture of Ensign so you can get his image back in your head. Something that suggests his character:

Pretty much nails it.

Ok so, blah blah blah, snarky comment snarky comment, et cetera et cetera. "You're bagging on a GOP senator who announced his affair a month ago, Matt, what's the big deal? You're boring us when TMZ is on."

Good point, so let's just get to the latest news about the distinguished gentleman from Nevada:

It looks like John Ensign's sexual dignity -- which hasn't been high lately -- has plunged to new depths. His lawyer has just released a remarkable statement saying that Ensign's parents paid the Hamptons $96,000 after the 51-year-old senator told his Mom and Dad about the affair.

I love politics

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